Power Rangers
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Favorite Links | FanFiction | MMPR | Photo Album---MMPR | PRZ | PRIS | Photo Album---PRIS | PRLG | Photo Album---PRLG | PRTF | Photo Album---PRTF | PRWF | Photo Album---PRWF | PRNS | Songs | Transcripts

Power Rangers Online

PR Music Videos

Power Rangers Online
Run by my friend, Jen. She does an excellent job of posting music videos, and great fanfiction. She also listens really well to suggestions for videos, fanfics, etc. Go on!
Di's PR Music Videos
Some of the best videos on the net! A friendly TagBoard and beautiful vids n different categories: Romance, Episodes, Seasons, and Characters. As well as a new Miscellaneous section w/ LoTR videos and Star Wars!

Nak's Power Rangers

Written In The Stars

Nak's Power Rangers
Is a great site that I go to almost every day just to look at her incredible stock of pictures from all the series. She has great character bios including pages of pics, and episode guides with pics.
Go check it!
Written In The Stars
A gorgeous tribute to the romances of the Red and Pink/White Rangers: All the way from Jason/Kimberly to Cole/Alyssa. Beautiful pictures and detailed biographies, as well as summaries of friendships and romances.

Power Rangers Central

Together Forever: A Jen & Alex Shrine

Power Rangers Central
The site where I got the season summaries, and I do not claim credit for them at all, hopefully I'll get off my lazy butt soon and write my own :) A good collection of pictures, lots of info, and a great section to keep up on the actors and actresses.
Together Forever: A Jen & Alex Shrine
A great site dedicated to this couple that changed PR romances forever with the moment when Alex said those five simple words: "Jennifer, will you marry me?" Song suggestions, great fanfics, and pictures--definitely worth a look!

Tina's Power Rangers

Tina's Power Rangers
I visited this site for the first time only a few days ago and was floored by the stunning layout, it's like you're wandering through Angel Grove! The Youth Center, High School, even a Yearbook to sign! Go check it out & have fun!

Little Men & Star Trek

Little Men & Star Trek!
My other site, dedicated to the TV Shows Little Men and Star Trek, both of which I am a major fan! Pics for LM, fanfics for both, etc. Have fun!